Hi, my name is

Eduardo Vera.

I'm a software developer with expertise in both backend and frontend development. I also have a knack for design and enjoy building cool stuff. Thank you for visiting my portfolio!

About me

I'm a highly skilled software developer with a passion for creating innovative and functional applications. I have extensive experience in both backend and frontend development, which allows me to bring a unique perspective to any project. Whether it's developing complex systems, creating intuitive user interfaces, or optimizing application performance, I have the technical knowledge and experience to deliver high-quality results.

In addition to my technical skills, I also have a keen eye for design. I believe that a visually pleasing interface can greatly enhance the user experience, and I enjoy incorporating my design skills into my projects whenever possible.

I'm always seeking new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow as a developer. If you're interested in collaborating on a project or learning more about my experience, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:

  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • TypeScript
  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • PHP
  • Laravel

Work Experience

Developer @ Ancient Society

Oct 2022 - April 2023

  • Write modern, performant, maintainable code for the backend server and the frontend client

  • Work with technologies such as Express.js, MySQL, React.js and styled components.

  • Create RESTful APIs, designing and implementing database schemas, and implementing security features to protect against common attacks.

What I've Built

  • Portfolio

    Version 3 of my personal portfolio made it with Next.JS

    • Next.js

    • React.js

    • Tailwind.css

    • CSS Modules

  • GYM Management App

    Freelance project: app to manage attendance and payments at my local gym. (Currently on Development)

    • Next.js

    • React.js

    • TypeScript

    • Supabase

    • Tailwind.css

  • Albano's Landing Page

    Example of a Landing Page made it with pure HTML & CSS

    • HTML

    • CSS

Say Hello

Contact me anytime by clicking the button or sliding into my DMs on social media. My inbox is always open, so don't hesitate to reach out!